NSSHC Dhvani is envisaged to represent reflections on all aspects of contemporary literature and would be perceptive and insightful commentary on literary works which are good enough to appeal to the sensibility of readers of all generations. It is hoped that Dhvani will not be just another literary journal. We expect it to have the potential to evolve into a scholarly publication that is competent enough to define, determine and correct literary taste and pave the way for the evolution of quality literature. The articles in Dhvani can be critique/ appreciation of literary works and also be discourses on theoretical aspects which are indispensible in the study of literature and culture. Translations and Creative Writings are also welcomed. Book reviews on recent publications it is hoped would add variety to the journal. We will be extremely honoured to publish your article/review in the maiden issue of the journal. We also look forward to your uninterrupted support and encouragement in our endeavour to bring out the refereed journal.